2023 TRAC APPLICATION Header Image

The Transportation Review Advisory Council (TRAC) will accept applications from May 1 to May 31, 2023


The Transportation Review Advisory Council (TRAC) was established by the Ohio General Assembly and tasked with developing and overseeing a project selection process for Major New Transportation Capacity Projects. Major New Capacity projects is defined by TRAC as those projects that cost greater than $12 million, increase the capacity of a transportation asset or reduce congestion and are critical to the mobility, economic development, and quality of life of the citizens of Ohio.

TRAC is accepting applications from May 1 to May 31.

Please note that when saving the application for completion later, the Email address provided will receive a link to retrieve the application.
Application Type*


Project Mode*
Current Tier*
Requested Tier*
Environmental Approval Received*
Project description is limited to 500 characters


Project Milestones & Status

Please select the status of each milestone below as either Not Started, In Progress or Complete

Additionally, please enter the corresponding date for the milestone and status.

Estimated Completion Date
Completion Date
Estimated Completion Date
Completion Date
Estimated Completion Date
Completion Date
Estimated Completion Date*
Completion Date*
Estimated Completion Date
Completion Date
Estimated Completion Date
Completion Date
Estimated Completion Date
Completion Date


Roadway Segment Information

TRAC collects a variety of transportation related data and information in the evaluation process including congestion, safety, truck traffic, etc.  This information is used to   develop model derived transportation values; such as, cost/benefit analysis and air quality. The roadway segments associated with the application are the basis of this analysis. Transit and Freight related projects should identify the roadway segments that will receive the benefit from projects implementation.

Roadway Segments


Begin Point

End Point

Primary Roadway Segment

Secondary Roadway Segment(s)

New Roadways / New Alignment


Transit Multi-Modal Project Information


Freight Multi-Modal Project Information


Strategic Transportation System (STS) Connections

The Strategic Transportation System (STS), identified as part of Access Ohio (AO) 2045 (ODOT's Long Range Transportation Plan), includes significant transportation corridors and intermodal hubs across Ohio.  For additional information about the STS and AO2045, visit Access Ohio 2045 | Ohio Department of Transportation.

The project is part of an STS Corridor:
The project will facilitate a connection between two or more corridors or intermodal hubs identified on the STS:
The project will connect an STS resource with a local freight or transit facility or resource:


Built Out Local Attributes

Local investment factors includes the analysis and evaluation of the dollar value of existing, local built-out attributes such as streets, water, and land use. For this analysis TRAC has standardized the project area as a one-mile "rectangular" buffer around the primary roadway segment.  TRAC also considers percentage of acres served by local services within the rectangular buffer with the following formula: 

(Length of the primary roadway segment in miles + 2 miles) x 2 miles x 640 acres.

Enter the estimated percentage of acres being served by the local services within the estimated project area calculated above:

Enter the percentage of the calculated project area acreage receiving service from this local resource.
Enter the percentage of the calculated project area acreage receiving service from this local resource.
Enter the percentage of the calculated project area acreage receiving service from this local resource.

Enter the estimated square footage for the following building types within the calculated project area:

New Local Investments

TRAC will consider the monetized value of public investments or commitments for new, non-project infrastructure and private investments within 5-year time horizon prior to and after the date of this TRAC Application.



Economic Distress - Poverty & Unemployment Rates

As part of the application scoring process, ODOT collects county level information as the standard measurement for poverty and unemployment factors; however, if a project sponsor provides defensible data at a sub-county or census tract level, TRAC can consider that level of geographic analysis for scoring and evaluation.

Do you want to enter distress values for a sub-county area to be used in the evaluation of this application?
This value must be an average of the most recent 5 year period.
This value must be an average of the most recent 5 year period.


TRAC Funding Request

Please indicate the amount of funding being requested by phase and fiscal year. 

Funding requests should consider the amounts needed over the next two fiscal years.

Select the phase(s) new TRAC funding is being requested for as part of this application:*
Please select all phases needed.
The TRAC previously committed funding for the development or construction of this project:
Will additional TRAC funds be needed for future phases of development or construction?


Local Funding Commitments

Project development and construction can be funded with multiple local funding sources. The questions below will help identify the funding sources for this project.

Will local funding sources be used in the development or construction of this project?

Please complete the funding information below for each local funding source.

Local Funding Source (1)


Local Funding Source (2)


Local Funding Source (3)


Local Funding Source (4)


Local Funding Source (5)


Local Funding Totals



Will another funding source (i.e. ODOT Program or Congressionally Directed Spending) be used for project development or construction of the project?*


Have Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission (OTIC) Revenue Bonds been committed for the construction of this project?


Please review this table for accuracy. If a correction is needed please return to the previous sections to make the adjustment.

PE Funding totals

DD Funding totals

RW Funding totals

CO Funding totals

Local Funding Totals


ODOT Funding Totals


Previous TRAC Funding Totals


NEW TRAC Funding Request


Future TRAC Funding Request


PE Totals ($Millions)
DD Totals ($Millions)
RW Totals ($Millions)
CO Totals ($Millions)
Total Project Cost ($Millions)

Total Local Funding ($Millions)
Total ODOT Funding ($Millions)
Total OTIC Funding ($Millions)
Total TRAC Funding ($Millions)
% Local Funding
% ODOT Funding
% OTIC Funding
% TRAC Funding


Projects requesting Tier I status are required to submit a construction estimate.

Date of Inflated Estimate


MPO and RTPO Acknowledgement

Is the project within the boundaries of a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) or Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO)?
Has the MPO or RTPO provided a letter or support or acknowledgment for this project?

ODOT District Acknowledgement

Has the appropriate ODOT District Planning Office been contacted about the development and construction of this project?
Has the ODOT District Office provided a letter or support or acknowledgment for this project


As the Sponsoring Agency and/or consultant for the above TRAC Funding project, I have:

1. Reviewed the conflict of interest information found in Ohio’s TRAC Policy & Procedures and Application Guidelines.

2. Reviewed the Ethics and Conflict of Interest laws, including 23 CFR § 1.33, 23 CFR 636.116.and Ohio Revised Code sections 102.03, 2921.42 and 2921.43.

And, to the best of my knowledge, determined that, for myself, any owner, partner or employee, with my firm or any of my sub-consulting firms providing services for this project, including family members and personal interests of the above persons, there are: 

If a real or potential conflict of interest or an ethics issue has been identified, please describe the nature of the conflict or issue, and provide a detailed description of Consultant’s proposed mitigation measures (if possible) below. 


Please note:

Only one attachment can be uploaded per field. If you are uploading multiple documents to a single field such as letters of support, it is recommended that the items are loaded as a SINGLE PDF.

It is highly recommended documents be attached just before final submission.  

Attached files will not be saved when the "save and resume later" feature is selected.

The maximum file upload size is 20MB.

Map 1 - Project Location Map (Required)*
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Additional Maps (e.g. Major Employers, land use, etc.)
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Funding Commitment Letters or Resolutions
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
Letter and/or Resolutions of Support
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
MPO / RTPO Acknowledgement
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.
District Acknowledgement*
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.


  • Applications must be submitted by close of business on May 31, 2023.

  • Confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address listed when the application has been submitted.

  • If additional information is warranted, you will be notified through the contact information provided.

  • Should you have any questions please submit them to TRAC@dot.ohio.gov
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