Dear Parent or Caregiver,

Your child’s school wants to learn your thoughts about children walking and biking to school. This survey will take about 5 - 10 minutes to complete. We ask that each family complete only one survey per school your children attend. If more than one child attends the same school, please fill out the survey for the child with the next birthday from today’s date. Your responses will be kept confidential and neither your name nor your child’s name will be associated with any results.

Thank you for participating in this survey!

If your School District is not listed please email:
On most days, how does your child arrive and leave for school when attending in-person?*
On most days, how does your child arrive and leave for school when attending in-person?
  Arrive at School Leave From School
School Bus
Family Vehicle (only children in your family)
Carpool (Children from other families)
Transit (city bus, subway, etc.)
Other (skateboard, scooter, inline skates, etc.)
How long does it normally take your child to get to/from school?*
How long does it normally take your child to get to/from school?
  Travel time to school Travel time from school
Less than 5 minutes
5 - 10 minutes
11 - 20 minutes
More than 20 minutes
Don't know/Not sure
Has your child asked you for permission to walk or bike to/from school in the last year?*
What of the following issues affected your decision to allow, or not allow, your child to walk or bike to/from school?*
Does your child already walk or bike to/from school?*
Would you probably let your child walk or bike to/from school if this problem were changed or improved?*
Would you probably let your child walk or bike to/from school if this problem were changed or improved?
  Yes No Not Sure
Convenience of driving
Child's before or after-school activities
Speed of traffic along route
Amount of traffic along route
Adults to walk or bike with
A group of students to walk or bike with
Sidewalks or pathways
Safety of intersections and crossings
Crossing guards
Violence or crime
Weather or climate
Bike parking